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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Year 6 


Class teacher: Mrs Wilton-Moule
Support staff: Mrs Watson, Mrs Lowen and Mrs Jackson




Important Days

PE - Monday and Friday

Wednesday - This term, homework will continue to be handed out and then marked every Wednesday.

Friday - Spelling test, Reading Signature Challenge and Reading Raffle

Spellings will be handed out each Friday and tested the following week.

SATs 2024

Monday 12 May 2025 English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2

Tuesday 13 May 2025 KS2 reading

Wednesday 14 May 2025 Mathematics papers 1 and 2

Thursday 15 May 2025 Mathematics paper 3

Thursday 3rd July 2025 Sats Results Released

Trips and Visits

Year 6 will be going to Bewerley Park from the 12th November - 15th November 2024. 

Reading Raffle

This is where we check Reading Records weekly to ensure children have been heard read at least 3 times a week by an adult at home, children are then rewarded with dojos and a Reading Raffle ticket which gives them a chance to win a book of their choice when we draw the raffle at the end of term. 

Our Year 6 Curriculum Documents

Long Term Plan 24-25

Assessment Framework

Year 5/6 Spelling List

Spring Term

Spring Newsletter

Autumn Term

Autumn newsletter

Spelling Test Dates

Class Information

Our class charity is Yorkshire Cancer Research.

Our class saint is St Pope John Paul II.

Active Minutes

Autum - 10 Active Minutes/Movement Breaks – GetSet4PE Active Blasts

Spring - 10 Active Minutes/Movement Breaks – GetSet4PE Active Blasts

Summer - 10 Active Minutes/Movement Breaks – GetSet4PE Active Blasts

Useful Websites

Here are some websites and ideas to support your child’s learning at home. If you need a reminder of your login, let me know!

  • Oxford Owl is a website where your children can read a book on a computer or tablet. You will need to click on Oxford owl for home and create your own login,
  • Letter join is a great website to practise our handwriting it can be used on computers or tablets.
  • Edshed
