At St Mary’s, we see the importance of maths in everyday life and we want our children to: be number fluent; solve problems; to reason; to think logically and to work systematically and accurately. All children are challenged to excel in Maths and have a positive attitude and enjoyment when approaching lessons.
New mathematical concepts are introduced using a ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ approach; enabling all children to have a hands-on practical experience when learning new mathematical topics throughout school. Through this approach, our children have clear images and models to aid their understanding. This then helps the children with making connections across the different areas of maths. We understand that the fluency and recall of basic facts and times tables are key to mathematical concepts, therefore arithmetic and times table are practised daily to embed these facts.
Maths intent, implementation and impact document 2023-2024
Progression of skills Document 2023-2024
Calculation Policy: EYFS - Year 6 - 2024-2025Calculation Policy simplified 2023-2024
Reception Calculation Policy 2023-2024
Promoting British Values in Maths
Numbots and Times Table Rock Stars
Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars aim to help develop fluency in mathematic skills; number bonds and times tables. All children at St Mary’s can assess the website using their unique TTRS or Numbots log-in.
If you’re not sure what your child’s username and password/pin is, then contact your child’s class teacher.
Maths - parent information
Maths workshop for parents slides October 2023