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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Welcome to our EYFS Class!

We provide a warm and nurturing environment that is so important to a child's first experience of school. We have a spacious, welcoming and stimulating classroom, along with a wonderful and secure outdoor area in which to enhance the children's learning opportunities right across the curriculum.  




Class teacher: Miss Robinson

Support staff: Mrs Manning and Mrs Mackay

Children get off to a flying start in the early years. The curriculum is ambitious and delivered effectively by staff. Activities are well organised to excite children. Staff praise children often. Staff ensure that children use their play to develop their understanding of early reading and mathematics, and to nurture their physical development. 

- Ofsted Inspection report: 12–13 November 2019

Important Days

PE Days - Wednesday (outside) and Thursday (inside)

EYFS Curriculum Documents

Spring Term Curriculum Newsletter

Long Term Plan 2024/25

Tricky Words

Meet the Teacher Document

Reading and phonics

Reading and phonics are an important part of the Early Years Curriculum. The children will take home both a reading book and a initial sound book. These will be given over the first few weeks when the children begin to learn their phonics sounds. The reading book that the children will have to begin with is a picture book with questions for you to ask them. This is a really important first step for the children.

Floppy Phonics letter for parents and carers 

Floppy Phonics Guidance 

Floppy Phonics Alphabet Code

Sound Books

Over the first few weeks each child will be given their own ‘sound book’ that they will keep in their book bags. These books will be updated weekly as we learn each new sound, please continue to practice the sounds as we learn them at school.

Reading Raffle

This is where we check Reading Records weekly to ensure children have been heard read at least 3 times a week by an adult at home, children are then rewarded with dojos and a Reading Raffle ticket which gives them a chance to win a book of their choice when we draw the raffle at the end of term. 

Additional information

The presentation below is from a recent information evening held on Reading and Phonics for parents and carers.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any member of the Early Years teaching team if you have any further questions or suggestions. 

Reading & Phonics Presentation Phonics Glossary of Terms


We use Tapestry at St Mary’s to record, track and celebrate children's progress in early years education. 

Tapestry is an easy-to-use innovative, interactive online learning journal. This unique journal is shared online with parents, who are able to see special moments and view their child's progress.

Tapestry Set-up Document

Home Learning

 Any home learning please upload to Tapestry.

Bertie Bear

Hi Reception, my name is Bertie Bear and I am Miss Robinson’s favourite teddy bear. I give the best cuddles and love to go on adventures.

Every Friday I am going to come home with one of you and spend the weekend with you and your family. You will take me home on a Friday and then bring me back to school on a Tuesday.

I will bring my special book with me to so you can let Miss Robinson and the rest of the class know what we have been up to. I am so excited to get started on our adventures.

Love Bertie x

Active Minutes

Autum - 10 Active Minutes/Movement Breaks – GetSet4PE Active Blasts

Spring - 10 Active Minutes/Movement Breaks – GetSet4PE Active Blasts

Summer - 10 Active Minutes/Movement Breaks – GetSet4PE Active Blasts

Other Useful websites

Reading- click on the link below

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ you will need to create a log in for access to free online books

Number games - click on the links below






Phonics games - click on the links below







Handwriting - click on the links below



Useful Apps

Type these into your search bar in the App Store on your tablet or phone and download:

  • Jolly Phonics Songs (also on YouTube)
  • Jolly Phonics Lessons
  • Meet Alphablocks
  • Meet the Numberblocks!
  • Read with Phonics Games

Religious Education - click on the link below

CAFOD website