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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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School Day

The school doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am. During this ten minute period pupils are allowed to come into school and get ready to start the day promptly at 8.55am (Please note:the gate at the bottom of the field is open from 8.40am to 8.55am) It is essential that the children arrive at school on time, as Personalised Learning begins at 9.00am.

Morning break for the whole school is 10.20am-10.35am

Reception and year one lunch time is 11.50am – 12.50pm

The rest of the school lunch time is 12.00pm-12.50pm.

Afternoon break for key stage one is 2.20pm- 2.30pm

The school day ends at 3.25pm and all children are collected by their parent or carer at the end of the day. Our school week is 32.5 hours.

Please note that children will only be allowed to leave school with people who are on their 'hometime ' list, please inform school if there are any changes.

All Stars, our before and after school club has the following hours:

Breakfast club 7.30am-8.45am

Early drop off 8.30am-8.45am

After school club 3.25pm-6.00pm

Late pick up 3.25pm-4.00pm